Sat down to do my daily meditation and went back to yesterdays, just for a recap, and something hit me... I must have been really tired to have missed it or I wasn't ready to receive it but, I'm so glad I had the thought to go back.... My devotional sent me to Psalm 1 39:13-14. When I read the last two lines in 14 something clicked inside me. Marvelous are Your words, And that my soul knows very well.
It was like a ah ha moment and in that moment I knew it was my soul that received His word. When my heart or head tries to understand what I read before my soul can take it in I have confusion. For me its an uncomfortable feeling of "I don't get it". Tonight I got it , well at least these 2 verses... Everyday I am learning something new, asking new questions and getting a new understanding. All the while I am changing I can feel it. More importantly I can see it.. I am so grateful for being "awakened" as the Buddha would say and to being open to receive these wise words...
It was like a ah ha moment and in that moment I knew it was my soul that received His word. When my heart or head tries to understand what I read before my soul can take it in I have confusion. For me its an uncomfortable feeling of "I don't get it". Tonight I got it , well at least these 2 verses... Everyday I am learning something new, asking new questions and getting a new understanding. All the while I am changing I can feel it. More importantly I can see it.. I am so grateful for being "awakened" as the Buddha would say and to being open to receive these wise words...
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